Fantastic Antique Scottish “Kilmarnok” Mahogany case Long Case clock – ca 1830
Superb longcase clock
Incredible solid mahogany case with flame mahogany veneer in places
8-Day movement
gong striking
Painted dial
Lockable case
Anchor escapement
Swan neck Pediment
Clock is circa 1830
Working order
Measures 224cm high by 48cm wide & 23cm
Antique Long case clock housed in a mahogany case with flamed mahogany veneer in places, has a wonderful aged Patina. The clock has a square hood with a architectural castle like top pediment. The dial is painted with the four seasons scenes with roman numerals, subsidiary seconds dial, with calendar display. The hands are fantastic, lovely and ornate finished in a gold tone, style typical of the period.
Very good condition for age, showing slight signs or age please view the many photos make sure happy.
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